Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a speech in the Lok Sabha on Saturday, emphasized the government’s efforts to enhance the unity of India through various ‘One Nation’ initiatives. Speaking in the context of the ongoing Constitution debate in the Lower House, PM Modi referred to the 75th anniversary of the Constitution’s adoption as a moment of pride for the nation.
Among the key initiatives he outlined were One Nation, One Tax (GST), One Nation, One Ration Card, One Nation, One Health Card, and One Nation, One Grid. These measures, he said, were designed to promote greater integration and cohesion across the country.
PM Modi’s remarks came on the heels of the Union Cabinet’s approval of the One Nation, One Election Bill, which was passed on December 12. The bill is set to be introduced in the Lok Sabha by Union Law Minister Arjun Meghwal on Monday.
The Prime Minister began his address by highlighting the significant role of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in fostering economic unity. He acknowledged that previous governments had laid the groundwork for the GST, and the current government had expanded it under the “One Nation, One Tax” framework.
On the One Nation, One Ration Card initiative, PM Modi pointed out that while ration cards have been crucial for the poor, they often couldn’t access benefits when moving across states. This initiative, he said, was aimed at ensuring that no citizen was deprived of essential benefits, regardless of their location.
He also highlighted the One Nation, One Health Card initiative, which aims to strengthen India’s healthcare system. PM Modi pointed out that even people in remote areas, such as Bihar, can now benefit from the Ayushmann Card, ensuring access to quality healthcare nationwide.
Another important initiative discussed by PM Modi was the One Nation, One Grid. He noted that power outages in certain regions of the country were a recurring issue in the past, leaving entire areas in darkness. Under the current government, the One Nation, One Grid scheme was introduced to ensure uninterrupted power supply across the nation.
In conclusion, PM Modi underlined that these initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to upholding the Constitution and promoting national unity. He stated, “With the mantra of unity, we are building a stronger and more cohesive India, ensuring benefits reach every citizen, no matter where they live.”