Businessman Raj Kundra has spoken out for the first time following an Enforcement Directorate (ED) raid on his home, addressing reports that linked his wife, actress Shilpa Shetty, to the ongoing investigation. Taking to his Instagram Stories on Saturday morning, Raj urged the media to refrain from “repeatedly dragging my wife’s name into unrelated matters.”
In a brief message, Raj clarified his stance: “To whom it may concern, While the media seems to have a flair for drama, let’s set the record straight: I’m fully complying with the ongoing investigation that has been unfolding for the last four years. As for the claims of ‘associates’, ‘pornography’ and ‘money laundering’, let’s just say that no amount of sensationalism will cloud the truth. In the end, justice will prevail!”
He further emphasized, “A note to the media: It’s unacceptable to repeatedly drag my wife’s name into unrelated matters. Please respect the boundaries.!!! #ED.”
ED Raid on Raj Kundra’s Premises
The Enforcement Directorate raided Raj Kundra’s properties on Friday as part of an investigation into a money laundering case related to the alleged distribution of pornography and adult films. The raid covered approximately 15 locations across Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh, including the home and office of Raj Kundra, 49, and others involved. Raj was also reportedly questioned by the agency at one of the premises.
Shilpa Shetty’s Lawyer Issues Statement
In response to media speculation, Shilpa Shetty’s lawyer issued a statement denying any involvement of the actress in the ongoing investigation. Advocate Prashant Patil called the reports “misleading,” asserting that Shilpa had “nothing to do with any offence.” The statement read, “There have been reports in the media saying that my client Mrs. Shilpa Shetty Kundra has been raided by the Enforcement Directorate. These reports are not true and are misleading. As per my instructions, there is no Enforcement Directorate raid on Mrs. Shilpa Shetty Kundra as she has nothing to do with any offence of whatsoever nature. However, the case in question is an ongoing investigation regarding Mr. Raj Kundra, and he is cooperating with the investigation for the truth to come out.”
Patil also requested the media to refrain from using Shilpa’s name, pictures, or videos in connection with the case. “Would request the electronic and print media to refrain from using the videos, pictures, and name of Mrs. Shilpa Shetty Kundra as she has nothing to do with the case. Strict cognisance shall be taken against irresponsible journalism wherein the pictures or videos of Mrs. Shilpa Shetty Kundra are shared on this matter,” the statement concluded.
Background: Raj Kundra’s Legal Troubles
This is the second money laundering case against Raj Kundra this year. Earlier in 2024, the ED had attached assets worth ₹98 crore belonging to Raj and Shilpa in a cryptocurrency case. However, the couple received relief from the Bombay High Court, which overturned the attachment order. In 2021, Raj had denied any links to the alleged pornography racket, stating that the prosecution had no evidence connecting the app “Hotshots” to any criminal activity.
As the investigation continues, both Raj and Shilpa remain firm in their assertions of innocence, with Raj calling for respect and clarity in media reporting on the case.